3 Houses Photos - Show of Works This gallery is a sampling of the sorts of photographs I like to take. You'll see a wide variety here. Portrait shots, flora and fauna, abandoned lumber mills, et cetera. This is the gallery I recommend people thumb through. ohiofarm-114 proper--47 jmwedding-11 gsww gala extrava-106 proper--53 bordeaux-39 lcr_recon-106 caphilldemolbw-33 jmwedding-2 beautifulbohemians-8a bothell5-26-14-35 vagabandbw-6 jeffmarars-1 North-Creek-Barn-bw-24 HF2014_EdwardMarlowe-262 - Copy jmwedding-65 vagabandbw-10 firedoll-10 centralia-plywood-121 blewett_attempt-17 windowsep-1 HF2014_EdwardMarlowe-32 firedoll-27 520bridge-11b HF2014_EdwardMarlowe-34 HF2014_EdwardMarlowe-212 - Copy HF2014_EdwardMarlowe-291 jmwedding-192 satsopnuclear-14a bothelleveretthighway-11 emily-1 caphillrs-42 yes-1 jeffmarars-2 jeffmarars-4 HF2014_EdwardMarlowe-146 proper--43 num-5 num-3 pikeplacers-3 jeffmarars-3 North-Creek-Barn-bw-16 num-7 concrete-cmcirs num-52 bothell-shed-6 caphilldemolbw-45 North-Creek-Barn-80 vagabandbw-13 bothell-stable7 seattlestreetsbwresize-1 sairs-5 bothell-house-40 bothell-farm-31 proper--67 North-Creek-Barn-bw-4 North-Creek-Barn-bw-11 peterbw-3 bothell-house-13 bothell-house-12 bothell-pipe-5 bothell-house-29 num-54 proper--45 num-8 proper--49 proper--48 proper--65 proper--63 proper--5 proper--58 num-42 proper--8 proper--12 num-21 num-9 num-6 proper--66 starvation_heights_79_of_99 num-1 proper--52 proper--50 proper--44 melmont_attempt_1 (13 of 14) num-4 proper--57 proper--38 proper--42 proper--64 starvation_heights_32_of_99 proper--59 proper--51 proper--56 proper--11 proper--55 proper--54 proper--24 proper--21 proper--46 proper--41 proper--40 proper--39 proper--37 proper--36 proper--35 proper--34 proper--33 proper--15 proper--16 proper--25 proper--3 proper--23 proper--22 proper--2 proper--20 proper--19 proper--18 proper--17 proper--14 proper--6
3 Houses Photos - Show of Works The Door Ohio Farm The Cremation of Boy Washroom_Sink The_Second_Window Riverview_Hospital_BC Trash Tree Mabel, OR Raymond, WA - Mud House Vashon Island _ House Payphone Weyerhauser - Pay Station Knappton, WA Garage - Oregon The Window Capewell Manufacturing CO LCR Reconditioning Eastern Thunder Racing Meat Grinder Jeff Mara Wedding Peter and Sabrina Wedding 520 - Bridge Satsop - Nuclear Plant Burned House - Bothell Cap Hill - Wandering Abandoned Barn - Bothell Bothell-Everett-Highway-Barn Preston Lumber Mill Dee-Oregon Farm Equipment - Bothell Onalaksa - Lumber Mill Park Hamilton, WA Bordeaux - Lumber Mill Centralia Ruins Skagit Towers Hamilton-Gymnasium Skagit Farm House - 221 Melmont Trip Centralia Plywood Mill Roslyn WA Burke, Idaho Welco Lumber, Marysville WA Abandoned House - Bothell Farm Structure - Everett, WA Transfer Pipe- Everett, WA Paddock - Bothell, WA Vagabands_3-16-14 Fallen Shed - Bothell Spokane and Back North Creek - Barn House Cap Hill - Building Demo Jeff_Mara_Engagement Concrete,WA Bothell 5-26-14 Beautiful Bohemians Skagit Farm House - Sean Meth Lab RV Lake City Plantation Starvation Heights Private