Doll 002 another entry following the dynamic of transdimensional demon Mitternacht and the as of yet unnamed Doll. In this situation, Mitternacht has stacked a number of televisions into a great heap and delights in watching the maddening flicker of static. The Doll, however, is less inclined towards this particular viewing experience and is only present as Mitternacht's captive. As I've stated before, both the Doll and Mitternacht are stand ins for myself. I see this piece as my obsessive tendency to dwell on mistakes and wallow in self-destruction to the detriment of the rest of myself. This is my first electrical project and had a lot of fun improving my soldering skills.
Fun fact: Around 1% of static in a CRT television is light left over from the Big Bang!
Materials: Wood, copper, steel, found objects, twine, glass, LED diodes, brass
Dimensions: 13.5" length (~10 feet with cable), 12" tall, 7" wide
Price: $550