The Door

This photo piece is based off a digital painting I found online some years ago at GFX Artist. That painting showed a door, chained much like this one, with a row of monitors. It was titled something like "Die Welt Bleibt Draussen" (the world remains outside) and the image has stuck with me over the years. This is my take on the idea.

To do this I oxidized 50 feet of chain using a bucket of bleach and an aquarium thermometer, took almost two weeks to get it to rust appropriately. It also was a giant damn mess to clean up, just an awful mess. I almost broke my agreement to not cut myself for the blood, but I decided that the amount of damage I'd have to inflict would not justify the piece, so I whipped up some fake blood from scratch and it turned out decent. The lock was likewise oxidized in boiling bleach.

You'll notice the lighting is harsh and bitter, that was intentional. I feel the strong shadows, odd angles and general ugliness really lend a sense of horror and discomfort to this. Personally, I felt a little haunted having this up in my apartment for the two days it was up. I feel that I tapped into something evil with such a simple idea and implementation. Clearly something about this piece speaks to something broken and ugly in me. 

When the shoot was finished I threw out all the chain despite the cost and potential to use in other projects. Again, I am an idiot and a fool, but these chains soaked up something truly evil.

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  • door-1
  • door-2
  • door-3
  • door-4
  • door-5
  • door-6
  • door-7
  • door-8
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  • door-10
  • door-11
  • door-12
  • door-13